what about the broken led display screen? can it be repaired?

many led display screen buyer do not know how to solve the problem of led display screen, because many people are afraid that they will accidentally contact which switch will lead to more serious screen. in fact, there are many reasons why the small spacing led screen can not display normally. here, the reasons for the led screen are sorted out, and the reasons are as follows:
1. when the new small-spacing led display is installed with power on, most of the reasons are that the scanning of the led software control card is not correct, and the other is that there is no insertion on the side of the layout.led display panel rental

2. if the flower screen phenomenon is found after using for a period of time, the overwhelming majority of the reasons are the faults of the control card. the biggest reason for the faults of the control card is the damage of the chip or power supply caused by the leakage of the led panel.
if we want to solve this kind of problem, we can try to connect the display with dvi interface and observe whether the dvi output port of the video card is normal. because some display cards from led display manufacturers are still very good, knows that the dvi interface resolution of conventional  rain card is 1024*862. furthermore, the reason for the small spacing led display screen may also be the problem of graphics card and driver. if it’s really a graphics card and driver problem, we suggest that we try to replace the receiving card’s network behind the display screen with the debug button on the receiving card to see if the display box scan is normal. the last one may be the cause of the small spacing led display screen, which is also shared here.

1. led screen cannot be displayed. solution: check whether the power supply of the display screen is normal, whether there is strong power input, will lead to low or high.
2. the display of led electronic display screen is abnormal, blurred and so on. solution: check whether the parameters of the led control card are set correctly and whether the communication line is normal.
3. some of the screen displays are abnormal, such as black screen and blurred flower screen. solution: check whether the power supply is working properly and whether the signal transmission line of the screen is out of order.

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