naha kualitas tampilan warna anu dipimpin pinuh dugi ka standar?

layar anu dipimpin pisan umum dina umur digital, adding a lot of brilliant neon shadows to the world. led display screen is popular with most people, which promotes the market with a certain demand, and makes the led display screen enter a new stage of development and rise to a new height of development. the display effect of led display directly relates to users and audiences. in order to obtain a perfect experience, it is necessary to control and improve the quality of led display.

kualitas tampilan anu dipingpin
how to choose the led display? select led display indicator?
Kiwari, with the progress of social science and technology and the development of outdoor advertising, people’s demand for outdoor media is getting higher and higher, so the large led screen began to emerge. large-scale led display is the perfect combination of science and technology and media. the product application involves many fields such as financial securities, olahraga, bandara, karéta, stasiun, highway transportation, commercial advertisements, posts, telecommunications and so on. how to choose a good quality large led screen is a problem that many buyers need to consider. kitu, guna nyumponan sarat ti tampilan luar, naon unsur anu kudu di luar tinangtu layar warna dipimpin?

1. épék tampilan tinggi
salaku pamawa utama iklan pidéo, paparan warna layar luar luar anu peryogi peryogi épék tampilan definisi tinggi. ieu ngawengku résolusi anu luhur, kacaangan tinggi, luhur kontras sareng saterasna. resolusi luhur ngajamin presentasi anu hadé pikeun gambar iklan kualitas luhur; kacaangan luhur ngajamin paparan jelas kana gambar dina cahaya panonpoe langsung; kontras luhur ngajamin kaserataan warna tina gambar sareng teu ngeunah gambar.
2. konsumsi énergi low, konservasi énergi sareng pangurangan édisi
warna layar luar dipimpin layar layar kedah sasuai disauran ku pamaréntah. hemat energi jeung pangurangan édisi kedah janten standar penting dina manufaktur, kaasup konsumsi kakuatan produk, kinerja produk hamburan sareng struktur baja anu dipikabutuh pikeun pamasangan produk. price of full color led display screen
3. ningali tempat anu lega ti sudut pandang anu ageung
the main task of outdoor full-color led display is to advertise and publicize the image. ku sabab eta, tujuan utama tampilan anu dipimpin warna luar nyaéta pikeun ngantepkeun pamirsa langkung ningali gambar. eta dirarancang tina sudut pandang ageung pikeun nutupan sudut pandang dugi ka tempat anu ageung.
4. high protection level
because it is used outdoors, weather environment must be taken into account. tampilan luar warna anu dipimpin should generally reach ip67 protection level, in order to fully adapt to all kinds of bad weather, ensure that outdoor led display has strong weather resistance, can be used for a long time, and ensure that customers’profits reach maximum value.

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