led controller card / Receiving card/board Linsn RV901T for led display screen control system

1/32 scan  led  controller  card / Receiving  card/board  Linsn  RV901T  for led display screen  control system

Linsn RV901T

Product Description


1)Single card can output 16 groups RGBR’ data;

2)Single card can output 20 groups RGB data;

3)Single card can output 32 groups serial data;

4)Single card maximum supports 1024X256 pixels(Please note that there are recommended values depending on the design of LED screen)

5) Support pixel-by-pixel brightness calibration; single-card color space conversion;

6) Support network cable BER test;

7) High refresh rate and high grey level with most of the driver ICs;

8) In line with EU standards RoHS.

led display video screens (8)

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