ichki va tashqi to'liq rangli LED displeyning namlikka chidamli bilimlari

Ko'pincha yopiq LED displey ekranida juda ko'p suvni ko'ring, full-color indoor display screen always causes dark light, o'lik nur, qisqa tutashuv, open circuit and lamp body damage and other problems due to humidity, which greatly reduces the life of the display screen and indirectly increases the maintenance cost. So how do we maintain the indoor LED display in such an environment? What preventive measures should we take?ulkan devor
Damp proof method of LED module
The first step of moisture-proof measures is to ensure the moisture-proof function of the unit board. Then how to do a good job in moisture-proof work of the unit board.
1、 Full color indoor display
The display screen must be tested under the humidity of 10% – 65% RH, and it must be turned on at least once a day, and it must work for more than 4 hours each time;
When the humidity is higher than 65% RH, ekran quritilishi kerak, va ekran hech bo'lmaganda ishlashi kerak 8 kuniga soat; Kechasi namlik qayta tiklanishi sababli ekran buzilmasligi uchun tunda eshik va derazalarni yoping.
2、 Ichki xonada ijaraga berishning to'liq rangli ekrani
Ishlatilgandan keyin, u yaqinda saqlash uchun o'z vaqtida havo uzatish qutisiga muhrlangan bo'lishi kerak, va havo o'tkazadigan qutida namlikni yutuvchi sumka yoki 50 g dan kam bo'lmagan quritgich ishlatilishi kerak; Qurituvchi yoki gigroskopik sumka ishdan chiqqanligi uchun muntazam tekshirilib turiladi va har biri bir marta almashtiriladi 2 oylar;
Under the ambient humidity of 10% – 65% RH, the display screen should be taken out and turned on for more than 2 hours every half a month;
When the humidity exceeds 65% RH in south wind days, the display screen should be taken out and turned on for more than 2 hours every week;
In the rental process of LED display screen, the tenant should pay attention to the rain proof and water-proof work of the display screen. If the water enters into the display screen carelessly, the power must not be turned on, and the water must be dried with a hair dryer in time. Then the display screen should be placed in a dry environment for 2 soat, and then it should be lit up for 2 soat;
It is strictly forbidden to use the indoor rental screen as the outdoor rental screen, especially in the open air environment;
Qisqasi, in the rainy season, mukammal funktsiyaga ega namlikka chidamli displeyni tanlashimiz kerak. Ajoyib displeyni tanlash foydalanuvchilarga kutilmagan ko'p foyda keltiradi va ko'plab keraksiz xarajatlarning oldini oladi. To'g'ri ehtiyot choralari bilan, sizning ichki LED displeyingiz qo'rqmaydi. Tez-tez ishlatiladigan displey ekrani, kamroq ishlatiladigan displey ekrani namligining ta'siriga nisbatan ancha kichik

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